Most home-schooling parents will make use of the internet to help educate their children, but very few will use it to its full potential. No one knows exactly why this is. Maybe it’s because they don’t want their children to know what is out there until they are a bit older, or maybe it’s because their broadband provider has put certain restrictions in place.
However, there may be some drawbacks to homeschooling, such as internet problems, disruptions, or slow speed. To address these issues, parents can test their internet speed at home using platforms similar to test my speed, and if the speed is slow, they can contact the ISP professionals to have it fixed as soon as possible. Regrettably, if the internet is down, you will be unable to access the platform itself. As a result, you can directly contact customer service representatives to resolve the issue without having to test the speed.
Even though the internet can be full of distractions and issues, it also represents a whole world of educational opportunity, and provided that you have looked at broadband services like those at, there are plenty of ways you can use the wonderful world of the internet to your advantage.
Firstly, you’ll want to fully benefit from online resources. There are plenty of educational materials available from well-known websites, such as BBC Learning, and you can always find more engaging materials by looking elsewhere. Teaching resource websites such as Teachit Primary, for example, offers plenty of games and other online resources that you can use to make education more fun, fulfilling, and effective. As an added plus, you won’t have to buy as many physical materials, which will cost you money and waste resources since you might not need to use them again.
Of course, you’ll also want to connect with other home-schooling parents. It used to be that you could only get advice from books when it came to home-schooling methods, but there’s now a whole world of forums and blogs where home-schooling parents share their tips and help each other work around problems.
As well as connecting with parents, you can let your children interact with other home-schooled kids. One of the inherent problems with home-schooling is not being able to have your children interact with as many people throughout the day. Thanks to webcams, microphones, and the internet, you can have children from all across the country test each other or work together to solve problems, bringing a slice of the standard classroom to your home without sacrificing the advantages of home-schooling.
Finally, there’s no reason not to start contributing your own tips and tricks. As a parent who has taken responsibility for your children’s education, your experience and knowledge will be appreciated by those who are either just starting out or are thinking of home-schooling their own children. Sharing your experiences can be very rewarding, and you might find yourself with quite the online following.