For all the joys that come with parenting, there are lots of annoyances to have to contend with as well, not least of which is what appears to be a whole new world of so many things to worry about. While many of these worries may be pointless, they can’t help but creep in. At least you can take consolation of the fact that you’re not alone, which is a great starting point for you to effectively deal with those anxieties.
How You Measure-up to Other Parents
“Am I even half as decent a parent as so-and-so?” is a major concern among new parents especially. Parenting doesn’t come with a definitive handbook, so just do the best you can for your child and that’s more than good enough.
How Society is Going Judge the Way You Brought Your Child up
Society who? Yes, teach your child right from wrong and try to teach them some of those life lessons you’ve used to get to where you are, but up to a certain point you can only do so much. The child will eventually go down their own terrace and what society says shouldn’t bother you.
What They’re Going to Do with Their Lives
Although extremely impressionable, as children grow they begin to develop a good habit of questioning things, so encourage that and you’ll never have to worry about their life decisions leading them astray.
Apparent Stunted Growth
Most parents compare their children to their peers of the same age. Your child may be thinner or shorter than their peers of the same age, but that doesn’t necessarily mean their growth is stunted or that you’re underfeeding them.
They Don’t Have Enough Friends
Children make friend so easily. If your child only has a few friends then those are probably friends of very high quality.
They Have Too Many Friends
Again, children make friends very easily, so it would also be absolutely normal for them to have a lot of friends.
They Won’t Eat Their Veggies When I’m Not Around to Police Them
Relax. Yes you might have to force them to eat their veggies, but at some point in their lives they’ll realise the importance of these requirements all on their own. Until then, keep forcing them.
They Spend Too Much Time Watching TV
As long as your child has other things in their lives to occupy themselves with and gets some much-needed mental and physical stimulation, watching a lot of TV has become a normal part of everyday life these days. Monitor it, obviously and encourage them to participate in other occupations beyond watching television, but otherwise don’t worry too much about it.
What Will Happen To Them if I Die?
That’s what family’s for and if you’ve allocated a pair of godparents to your child, rest easy knowing that they’ll take good care of your child. Otherwise lay-off on all the morbid thoughts and enjoy your time with your children while you can.
I’m Not Firm and Strict Enough
Different parents have different parenting styles. As long as your disciplinary mechanisms prove to be effective then there’s no need to compare yourself with other parents and beat yourself up about being too lenient.